MAPLEWOOD FINE ART is an online art gallery that provides art for the Christian home. Such art depicts the natural, the human, and the divine--and strengthens the Christian to love God and neighbor. A portion of our inventory consists of art that depicts figures and scenes from the Bible, saints from the Christian tradition, houses of worship, and portraits of Christ.  We also offer landscapes, portraits, and other pieces that will find a harmonious place in any Christian home.

The Genesis of Maplewood Fine Art

Art in a Christian home can have a powerful, edifying effect on daily life.  And yet many of our homes contain relatively little art capable of producing such an effect. We often give little attention to the spiritual impact our walls might have, while we devote a good deal of energy to purely decorative goals. Many of us spend relatively little money on art, and whatever we do spend is often exhausted in inexpensive prints and reproductions of little real spiritual impact. We consume money on weak art (I will not call it bad art) of little monetary or aesthetic value, and then complain that art is not worth spending money on. We fail to appreciate that we could have invested in art that both retains its value and strengthens us for life as followers of Christ. Appreciation of this truth is the genesis of MAPLEWOOD FINE ART.